0Leverage the full potential of ChatGPT and have it ready in any application. Build your own wrappers for the OpenAI API and save money.
Use ChatGPT with your keyboard only. No more switching to your mouse. No more clicking around. Just type and go.
Speak With ChatGPT.
You can now speak instead of typing text. Just press ⌘ + .
to activate the recording and get a transcription from Whisper. Easy peasy :-)
Use locally running plugins. This allows you to give ChatGPT access to your machine. And you can even add your own plugins, too.
There are multiple ways how you can trigger your tools. Whether you are a developer or not. Each tool can be triggered separately.
Add functions to your libraries. Accessible from any application - just one shortcut / snippet away. And you can create your own. There's a tool for that, too.