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Ensure the long-term success and growth of your business by sponsoring our comprehensive ChatGPT Alternative directory. Your support helps promote ChatGPT alternatives, fosters innovation, and makes a lasting positive impact.


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What do I get for sponsoring?

We offer a variety of benefits to our sponsors. Explore our real-time analytics to see what impact sponsoring could have on your business.

Homepage Ad

Get featured on our homepage with a banner ad linking to your website.

~1,000 Visitors/day
Support OSS

Support the open-source community and help us maintain the directory.

~250 Listed Projects
Newsletter Mention*

Get featured in our monthly newsletter read by OpenSource/tech enthusiasts.

~1,100 Subscribers
GitHub Logo*

Display your logo in a special "Sponsors" section in our GitHub repository.

~1,100 Stars

*Available only for premium sponsors who purchased 30 days or more.