73Last commit
7 hours ago👉 [[][Support this work via GitHub Sponsors]]
ChatGPT and DALL-E Emacs shells + [[][Org Babel]].
Includes =shell-maker=, a way to create shells for any service (local or cloud).
** Support this effort
If you're finding =chatgpt-shell= useful, consider ✨[[][sponsoring]]✨.
=chatgpt-shell= is in development. Please report issues or send [[][pull requests]] for improvements.
** Like this package? Tell me about it 💙
Finding it useful? Like the package? I'd love to hear from you. Get in touch ([[][Mastodon]] / [[][Twitter]] / [[][Reddit]] / [[][Email]]).
** Shell usage
#+HTML: <img src="" width="80%" />
#+HTML: <img src="" width="80%" />
** Insert to current buffer
73Last commit
7 hours ago